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Report Cards are now ready in Skyward Family Access

Posted Date: 3/21/25 (5:56 PM)

Dear Crescent Harbor Elementary Families,

Report cards are now available in Skyward! Our goal is to provide a report card that clearly communicates student progress in core academic areas, as well as to provide individualized student feedback that captures each student’s areas of strength and growth.  In addition to online access, a hard copy is being mailed to your address on file.

To access the report card in Skyward instructions, click here.


The breakdown of what each number means is this:

  • 4:  well above standard

  • 3:  meeting standard

  • 2:  approaching standard

  • 1:  below standard

Most students will have report marks of 3 or 2. By the end of the year, some students will show ability well above standard (4). For students who demonstrate abilities below standard (1) in several areas, the data will be passed on to next year’s teacher so they can continue to find ways to support your student in the coming year.

Some other report card notations include::

  • * - Subject/skills not taught and/or graded during this trimester

  • X - Your child is provided academic services through our special education department. Your child’s progress in this academic area will be provided by your child’s resource room teacher via a progress report. 


These areas are also graded on a standards-based scale so you can take a look at how your child is performing compared to grade-level expectations. Your student's teacher works hard throughout the year to teach and reinforce habits that help students be successful in school and other settings. 

I have been inspired by the growth of our students this year. Our students are working hard and demonstrating our school values of safety, kindness, responsibility and respect every day. Thank you for supporting your child’s well-being and academic progress at Crescent Harbor Elementary!  

In Partnership

Bill Weinsheimer
